Capstone Sa
LDRS 1015: Exploring Citizen Leadership
Course Description: explores traditional and contemporary leadership theory and competencies by comparing cultural contexts of leadership.
Experience: The class was taken as part of the Residential Leadership Community (RLC) experience. This was the first leadership course I took during my first semester of college. The readings we did as part of this class were challenging and they exposed me to new concepts such as the 7C's of leadership.
As part of this class I took a personality strengths test (StrenghtsFinder 2.0), and I produced several papers as means of complementing the learning process started in class. The final paper for this class consisted of a compilation of all of these papers and it reflects the greater portion of my learning as a result of this course.
This course also included a service learning experience (see more about this experience in my final paper) to Ivanhoe, a community in Southwest Virginia. This opportunity greatly affected my experience as a leadership student and it helped shaping the leader I am today. The service day in Ivanhoe exposed me to the real life impact leaders have in their communities and it motivated me to improve by learning more about the field such that I can better serve my community through the use of my leadership skills.
Ivanhoe, VA service learning trip with my peers from the RLC and one of the Ivanhoe residents