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About Me

Hello! And welcome to my ePortfolio!


I am Mariana and this virtual portfolio is a compilation of my leadership learning journey in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the leadership and social change minor at Virginia Tech.


I am currently a senior in Civil Engineering, minoring in Leadership and Social Change, and I totally love what I do! I am a scientist, research is one of my biggest passions, and my lab is my second home. I am originally from Brazil and I am very passionate about education as means of social change. This minor has allowed me to learn about myself, my passions, my community as well as it has provided me with the tools for effective leadership practice. Leadership has formed a large part of my undergraduate experience, so I am very excited to share this portfolio with you.


I decided to pursue a minor in Leadership and Social Change after living in the Residential Leadership Community (RLC) during my freshman year. The RLC (housed in Peddrew-Yates Hall, my forever home in the heart) offers freshmen the unique opportunity of living leadership on a daily basis. RLC residents take leadership classes with their peers and community members engage in a variety of student led events and community service opportunities throughout the year.


My time in the RLC has helped sharpening my leadership skills as well as it has strengthened my engagement with my community through experiences that allowed me to better define my views and practices of leadership. As I approach the end of this journey, my definition of leadership encompasses passion, social responsibility, identity awareness, and education.


Passion: Leaders may not be born, but instead created; however, leaders have an intrinsic strength within themselves which allows them to follow their calling. Leaders have passion to follow their vision and use their skills to improve the quality of life of their followers and respective communities.


Social Responsibility: Leaders take the front in creatively and effectively solving problems as well as they delegate tasks and share credit. Leaders take responsibility and acknowledge the importance of their action as well as of that or their followers.


Identity Awareness: Leaders know themselves and are aware of the need for continuous improvement in both themselves and their followers. Leaders are constant learners and inspire the same interest in their followers.


Education: The driving force of any community, leaders are aware of the power of education as means of social change and, as such, leaders must motivate and support others to learn about leadership.


Minoring in Leadership and Social Change has profoundly changed me and I hope this portfolio transpires the passion and excitement of this experience throughout the past four years.


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